Wednesday, 4 March 2009


Joel Kovel, writer and activist

Click through below for the Eco-socialist manifesto. It's quite a dense text, so I've made a short summary...

The Eco-socialist manifesto is essentially anti-capitalist. Hand in hand with consumerism, the capitalist reduces humans to a mere 'money-making resource', with no other value.

They link the crises of ecology with the breakdown of society that often ends up in warfare.

They blame industrialisation and capitalist greed for the destabilising of the earth's ecology, and they blame globalization for starting the breakdown of society.

The cite socialism as the counter-fight to capitalism, and the only future answer for ecological re-balance. They realise older socialisms may have failed but they still believe in the original socialist ideals.

They suggest 'limits on growth' (ie quality not quantity) as the key to sustainability of society.

The manifesto was written in 2001 by Joel Kovel and Michael Lowy